Anne Trevett

Anne Trevett

A second ‘career’ after retirement!

Just as many are thinking of slowing down as they begin their retirement Anne did exactly the opposite and put her immense energy and skills into numerous community projects in Salisbury.

Retiring to Salisbury after a career in library services in London and USA, Anne is well known in the voluntary sector in Salisbury for her drive, organisational and fund-raising skills to engage with local community projects.

After over 30 years Anne has a long list of communities she has supported. Listen to her talk about her involvement in numerous projects:

  • With MENCAP starting as a volunteer shop assistant, newsletter editor and then a Trustee and now part of a county wide group supporting people in distress.
  • Many people in Lower Bemerton will know Anne from her involvement in the development of St John’s Place – a scheme that started out trying to raise £40,000 but finally raised £750,000 and transformed the old church into a fantastic and well used community space.
  • Safer and Supportive Salisbury – networking with other community groups and organisations to make Salisbury safer especially for those more vulnerable citizens.

Listen to Anne inspire with her drive and enthusiasm. Her frankness about her strengths and her weaknesses (don’t ask her to do anything practical!) are refreshing. It’s fantastic to hear from someone who is so motivated to help others less fortunate in very practical ways and build local communities as a result.  

Article & Interview Jenny Hair
Anne Trevett
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